The gardening season has started again, and the beautiful weather is already in sight. Are you prevented from enjoying your garden by a nasty lawn disease? In this blog post you will read how you can recognize and combat lawn diseases in an effective way!
Common lawn diseases
Lawn diseases can crop up all year round. They have a negative impact on your grass, which is why you want to combat lawn diseases as quickly as possible. This way, your grass will regain that same beautiful, healthy appearance as before. Your lawn is most susceptible to disease when it’s spring. This is because it gets warmer and is often still humid. First of all, it is good to know which different lawn diseases there are. Below, you can read about the most common:
- Snow Mold
- Red thread
- Fairy rings
- Powdery mildew
- Dollar spot
- Rust disease
- Pythium blight
The most common lawn diseases are fungal grass infections. However, the symptoms of most infections are very similar, and this can make it difficult to pinpoint the exact problem. If you can’t quite figure it out yourself, it’s smart to call in an expert. This way, you can effectively look for the right solution together.
How do you combat a lawn disease in your garden?
Effectively combating a lawn disease might seem difficult. However, you can already actively start working to limit the damage. First, make sure you create an environment that makes it much harder for fungal infections to spread. You can do this in the first place by ensuring sufficient light on your lawn. This way the soil can dry a lot better and mold formation is strongly prevented. By aerating your grass, you remove small tubes of sand from the ground, as it were. This allows more sunlight to reach the roots of your grass.
In addition, you should regularly mow your lawn. This restores the airflow and prevents a soggy soil. In addition, it is advisable to work effectively to prevent a thatch layer on your lawn. The more thatch there is around your grass plants, the greater the chance of a fungal infection. Finally, you must ensure minimal compaction. When your soil is compacted, the roots of your grass plants can no longer expand. This gives fungi the chance to multiply.
What lawn disease am I dealing with?
Do you think your lawn has a disease, and do you want to know exactly which disease it is? Then take a look at moowy.co.uk. Here you will find everything about the different diseases. You can also view images here.